

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

NFS Server

NFS Server on Slackware 13.1

Supposed that your IP address is 192.168.1.x, and you are going to run NFS service for all users in ( -
On Slackware 13.1, it is very easy to do it.
  1. Make folder for NFS service, with all permission for all users.
  2. # mkdir /home/nfs && chmod 0777 /home/nfs/
  3. Edit /etc/exports
  4. /home/nfs,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,sync)
  5. Start NFS service
  6. # chmod a+x /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd && /etc/rc.d/rc.nfsd start
    If it complains nfsd.ko module failed as shown:
    FATAL: Error inserting nfsd (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format
    Maybe you are using "huge" kernel (Slackware default kernel). You can update it with "generic" kernel (remember to mkinitrd). Also, you can just ignore the error, because NFS service runs successfully already.  on client do this to mount the nfs :  makedir /mnt/nfs  mount -t nfs -o nolock,sync,ro 192.168.1.x:/home/nfs /mnt/nfs check with mount you will find out the mount

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